
Achilles Tendon Injury

At Active Step we solve frustrating, long-standing achilles tendon pain that may be causing your ankle to feel stiff in the morning and be limiting your ability to work on your feet all day or participate in running and jumping sports!

Achilles Tendon Conditions

Our Musculoskeletal Podiatrists use a combination of approaches to resolve achilles tendon pain that will stop you dreading that walk down the stairs in the morning and will build up your strength and power to get you back to optimal performance both at work and in your sports activities.

The achilles tendon connects the heel bone to the calf muscles and is a common site of sports injury especially in athletes who engage in running and jumping activities.

Achilles tendon injury is often described as insertional (the point where the achilles connect to the heel) or mid body, where there is usually a visible lump along the tendon which is painful when squeezed.

Historically, achilles injuries were referred to as achilles tendonitis, however in most cases symptoms persist for several months, sometimes years and are characterised by a dull ache and stiffness in the ankle after periods of rest that eases a little with activity. The term Achilles Tendinopathy is now more widely adopted as it more accurately describes the condition as being more degenerative in nature.

Our Podiatrists are experts at diagnosing Achilles tendon problems and will take a thorough injury history and conduct a Musculoskeletal Assessment with Video Gait Analysis to determine all possible environmental and biomechanical factors that may be contributing.

Effective treatments that we offer to resolve achilles tendon problems include:

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