
Ingrown Toenails

At Active Step, we are specialists at curing painful, ingrown toenails that may be affecting what shoes you can wear and your ability to fully participate in sports and work activity.

Ingrown Toenail Treatments

Our Podiatrists are qualified to perform nail surgery under local anaesthetic and can make you pain-free almost immediately as well as give you the freedom to recommence the activities you love after around six weeks.

Ingrowing toenails most commonly affect the big toenail and are usually caused by poorly fitting footwear, direct trauma or poor nail cutting technique. As a result of the foot being in shoes and socks most of the day, the potential for infection is high and this can lead to intense pain and difficulty walking and will likely necessitate a course of antibiotics from your Podiatrist or GP.

Our Podiatrists are highly skilled in both the assessment and management of ingrowing toenails and will conduct a thorough Initial Podiatry Consultation to determine the most appropriate course of treatment for you.

Our Ingrown Toenail treatments include:

Patient Testimonials