How to cure your ingrown toenail

Will antibiotics cure my ingrown toenail?

Unfortunately antibiotics are not a cure for an ingrown toenail. Antibiotics may be required if the toe has become infected, however until the offending nail spike has been removed there is a risk that infection can reoccur.
Any sudden increase in temperature, pain or inflammation around the toe should be assessed by an HCPC registered Podiatrist for assessment.

Can ingrown toenails be hereditary?

There are some familial traits that may increase the likelihood of developing an ingrown toenail. These include:
  • Nails that are naturally curved, pinched or involuted. These can become problematic if not cut well or cut too short.
  • Wide nail plates/ more skin surrounding the nail plate. If the nail plate is too wide or there is an increased amount of skin surrounding it, the skin is more likely to become aggravated by pressure/friction from the nail.
  • Deviating toes. Bunions can lead to toes deviating which can cause 2 toes to push against one another. This pressure can increase friction and therefore cause irritation around a nail edge.

What is nail surgery?

Nail surgery is the removal of all of the toenail or part of the nail that may be causing you discomfort. A local anaesthetic is used so that you will feel no pain during the procedure. After the removal of the nail, a chemical may be applied to the exposed nail bed to prevent regrowth by destroying the nail cells.

How long will an ingrown toenail surgery procedure take?

We allow 75minutes for the nail surgery procedure, which will include a discussion around the procedure, the administration of local anaesthesia and the procedure itself.

Is it a common procedure?

Yes, it is a very common procedure. We carry them out regularly at Active Step.

What will my post surgery/procedure recovery be like?

Mild discomfort may be felt post-procedure but can often be mitigated with a low dose painkiller. The toe will be redressed and monitored within 3 days of the surgery. A minimum of 2 further post-surgical checks will be required to ensure the toe/s are healing well. Most toe/s will be close to/fully healed within 6 weeks.

How quickly can I be seen?

We strive to see all patients within one week of contact.
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